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Monday, August 14, 2006

Boring Day

This day was so boring that it hardly worth mentioning, much less blogging about. But I am so bored that I figured that perhaps by writing about it I will at least have found something to do while I wait for the subway to convey me home. Even my subway car is lacking anyone or anything of interest to look at. Just a bunch of people tapping away at their cell phones. Pictured to the right are two boring people flailing away at their phones.

Too bad they don’t allow open containers on the subway. A six pack of beer would be useful right about now. I can share it with this person sitting next to me who keeps taking a peak at my screen to see what I am writing (shame on you for being nosey). Maybe I should bring a book, a very long one so I have a big fat story to keep myself occupied for the next couple of weeks of riding. But then I’d have to carry the fucker and my bag is already heavy enough.

I’ve noticed I don’t make much use of curse words in my blog. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. I certainly curse enough when I speak, but for some reason I don’t do so while writing. I guess my written self is much more elegant and refined. My true persona is a vulgar Brooklynite. Perhaps I learned to curse so much from watching Saturday Night Fever too many times as a kid. It was the seminal moving during my formative years.

Damn, there is not even one pretty girl to look at today. Just one overweight blond wearing a skirt that is too short for her chubby legs. Am I being mean? Is
it ok to be mean in your own head as long as you don’t let the person know you are thinking mean thoughts? Am I sinning by making fun of one of g-ds creations in my own mind. Oh please let something interesting happen before I go insane.

Last stop in Brooklyn… Let’s see what happens once I go under the river…

Brooklyn – Nothing happened other than I am a river closer to home. At least the train is above ground for a couple of stops. I get to have a view of the world and it’s time to start getting ready. Just about home. Maybe my kids had an interesting day.


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