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Friday, September 22, 2006

Hamptons Day 2

I slept relatively peaceful last night, although it was aided by an Ambien. Nevertheless, I got just under 8 hours sleep and felt ready to head out for a run down to the Southampton beach. I called my friend Matt who once again joined me on his bike and we ran/rode 4 mile on an out and back course.

We stopped on the beach and the water had a glassy sheen to it and looked infinitely inviting. I wished I had some time to go play in it, but I had to get back and get ready for my morning meetings. We had run in the direction of the sunrise, unlike last night in which we ran towards the sunset. This is all sounding to romantic for a couple of straight guys to be doing together, but I am secure in my masculinity and am not afraid to say the settings were beautiful even though I was sharing it with another guy. Hey, men can be sensitive creatures also.

While I was waiting for Matt to show up to the hotel on his bike, I was standing just outside my hotel, when I noticed someone walk out of the door that I recognized. It was someone who worked for me at two past jobs that just happened to be in the Hamptons on business as well. “Danny” stayed in the room right opposite me and I heard him come in late last night. The mystery of the fucker that woke my up when he came in loudly last night was cleared up when I discovered that it was him next door. Danny and I started to bullshit while I was waiting for Matt and he told me that a friend and also former coworker was working out in the Hamptons this day this day as well. I hadn’t seen either of them in a while quite a while and it was such a coincidence to see them at this time and place. I’d never been here before and I probably won’t be again. I made plans to see them for lunch later in the day.

I discovered another Hampton’s type coincidence with Matt a week previously. I was out to lunch with him and I asked what his parents did for a living. They were in the home furnishings trade and I mentioned that I had relatives in the same type of trade in the Hamptons. When I told him what the name of the store was, he recognized it immediately and told me how my cousins used to baby sit him all of the time as a child. He knew my favorite two cousins as well as I did. We are just a couple of years apart in age, so I have to figure that we might have known each other as kids since he saw my cousins all the time. I always thought he looked a little familiar.

It is funny how the world can be at times. How you can go years without seeing someone and the out of the blue run into them; or like with Matt, how we knew the same people, but went years without knowing it. It has been a funny year so far. I wonder what other funny things have yet to happen in it.


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