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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Snuck Up On Me

It snuck on without me really noticing it, but for the past two days I’ve been suffering from post race depression. I think the down feelings are being exasperated by the fact that I skipped training for the last two days. Monday I was just too tired to get up and this morning felt too cold and dark. I figured I raced hard over the weekend and I deserve some goofing off time. Ultimately though taking more than just a day off is a mistake as I start to feel really blue.

To force myself back into a training routine I am going to Asphalt Green for a swim in the morning. It will be my first trip to AG since sometime in June. I really don’t want to go, but if I am ever going to improve my swimming, I have to start sometime. Maybe an angel will visit me in the pool and bestow upon me the secret to effortlessly move through the water.

Physically though, perhaps taking a couple of days off was a good thing. I think my legs needed the rest. Today while standing and walking around my desk, I felt my right leg suddenly lock up and give out on me around the top of the calf, just below the knee. It was an odd, not good at all feeling, but it doesn’t appear as if any damage was done.

Well, I better get off to bed. I need to get some sleep if I stand a chance of waking up early enough for the bike ride to the pool. It will be good to ride over that industrial nightmare called the Manhattan Bridge again.


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