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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mental Health Day

I took yesterday off from training. I just didn’t feel like it. I was tired, had a stressful day and I was home alone with the kids when I got home after work. All I felt like doing was playing games with them or having them lean up against me as we watched TV on the couch. Once I took the pressure off myself to train, I started to relax and felt much better.

I did make myself go to bed early though so I could wake up in time to do my scheduled 10 mile run this morning. I contemplated running outside in the 9 degree temperatures, but I really didn’t feel like running in the dark. It just seemed too depressing to do. Instead I opted for the comfort of my basement treadmill and cable TV. I was lucky enough to have a couple of good movies playing, so the time went by quickly enough and when the run was over, it was like it never really happened. I guess that is a good sign, when you can wake up, run 10 miles and still feel like you are just getting out of bed to eat breakfast. Perhaps I should have run harder.



Blogger Morrissey said...

waking up early and running 10 miles--- that's dedication man!

10:33 AM  
Blogger Todd Colby said...

I'm so looking forward to spring and long rides with you up at harriman. brrrrrrr.

6:12 AM  

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