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Thursday, January 11, 2007

One Million Years BC

Email to coach@slb-coaching.com

Neil -

I got in 7 miles last night with my friend Larry. It was a good run, we pushed the pace towards the end. I felt like I was breathing heavy throughout it, but that could be because I am not used to breathing in the cold air.

This morning, according to my HR, I rode easily. It didn't feel easy though. I struggled through an hour on the trainer while watching Raquel Welch in One Million Years BC. It came out in 1966, which means I waited 40 years to see this movie. I don't think I stuggled because of the movie, if anything, the hour I watched of it got me through it.

I am going to the pool this evening, to make up for yesterday, skipping it tomorrow and will swim again on Saturday while my kids have swim lessons.


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