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Monday, December 04, 2006

Two Chances to Win

The 2007 Ford Ironman World Championship Lottery is now open for registration. For a mere $35 I can have a chance to win a slot to the big race in Kona. If I spend an extra $50, then I get a second chance to win entry. I’ve done this for two years in a row, but don’t know if I feel like throwing my money away again on a small chance to win. It is not like I get any value for my money if I don’t win a slot. If at least I got something worthwhile, then maybe I would fork over the cash. Oh, I do get a plastic card that says Ironman on it with the years of my IM finishes on it. I think that is hardly worth $50. Neither are the crappy discounts you get from the various Ironman stores. I think this year I will pass; better to earn a spot by qualifying anyway.


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