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Friday, December 15, 2006

September in December

I am struggling again to get myself to work out. So far I’ve been successful in getting myself out of the door, but it has been difficult. It is much easier when I have someone to go out with me. That is what got me outside last night. Larry called to see if I was up for a run. I told him I was but asked if he might not like to go for a ride instead. He asked me if a ride was my preference, to which I replied it wasn’t, but a ride is what I had scheduled for this day. The weather was nice and warm, perfect for an evening ride, so I think that is what convinced Larry to want to ride over a run.

The weather has been fantastic or crazy, depending on your point of view. It is the middle of December and the temperature yesterday afternoon was 60 degrees. I was walking around Madison Avenue around 3pm and based on the mild conditions, you could have sworn it was just September rolling around. When I left my office around 5:30pm, I was kind of surprised to see it do dark outside. The lack of sunlight didn’t jibe with the warm temps and September feel to the day.

Riding in Prospect Park last night was like riding on country roads during a cool summer’s evening in the country. There was dense fog throughout the park, give the whole place a ghostly feel to it. The air was completely still and hardly anyone was outside. I would have thought on such a calm and warm night more people would have been outside. Perhaps they are all at various Holiday parties.

I am supposed to get into the pool twice this week. That is definitely not happening. I can manage to begin riding, but the thought of going to a pool is too painful just now. I suppose that once I go, I’ll feel much better and glad I went. Maybe I’ll psych myself up for it over the weekend and schedule a couple of days next week.


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