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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fall Night Run

Blogger was down last night, so I couldn't post this entry timely. Darn it...

So I’ve been running for the past few days. The pain in my ankle has only been occasionally flaring up causing a bit of a shock when it occurs. I’ve been able to run through it though, so it seems as though I am back on track.

For the last three days I ran at night after I got home. Each time I really just felt like vegging out on my couch and was of half a mind to just forget about it. I was feeling drawn out and exhausted from work and didn’t want to go. However I forced myself to go and I felt much better afterwards. I think it was the reward of that post workout feeling that got me to get out the door.

This evening was an extra special run. My daughter had finished her homework before I arrived home and she wanted to go out with me. It is a great feeling to know that my child thinks that running on a cold and windy fall evening is a fun and interesting thing to do. She is getting very strong on her bike. I had to run hard in order to keep up with her. We talked the entire time about school, friends and stories from times I was training by myself at night and from when I was a kid in school. Here is a picture of us stopping by Grand Army Plaza to memorialize our night out together.


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