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Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Thursday – 10/12 9pm

I had two good days in a row. Last night was a pleasant 8 miler by myself in the pouring rain (1:02) and today was a solo 18 mile bike, followed by a 4 mile run with my friend Larry. It is always good to run with him. As of late, he has been parceling out needed information as to what to expect for the JFK 50 miler. I am trying to soak in this information like a sponge. The only negative thing for the day was a sudden pain I developed in my left soleus while running. I don’t know where it came from, so rather than pushing it over 4 miles, I just went home. My coach thinks is a result of my favoring my PF foot.

I can tell the pain of doing the JFK 50 is going to be intense. How intense however, really depends on how I start out on the day. I suppose if I go out too fast, I will really be suffering later in the day; not that I won’t be anyway even if I go out with perfect pacing.

Friday – 10/13 6am

I am going out for a morning workout. I just noticed that it is Friday the 13th. Hopefully the boogieman isn’t lurking in the park. It is still dark outside.


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