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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Long Run Number 3

I wasn’t sure I would get this one in. My lower right leg was bugging me over the last couple of days and I was afraid of stressing it. I spoke to my coach about it though and we agreed that the problem didn’t seem to warrant skipping the run. It was decided that I would go out slow, see how it feels and shorten/stop my run as necessary.

My lower leg felt a bit knotted up for the first 6 miles, but it wasn’t getting any worse so I stuck with the run. By my 9th mile it really wasn’t bothering me anymore. About this time my wife called me to let me know the she and my son were coming out to the park on their bikes to join me. There really is a first time for everything. I wish I can say that I ran a pleasant 11 miles with them, but that wouldn’t be true. My son was more interested in throwing his ball around and playing in the grass than riding. We stopped several times for water breaks and I managed to get him to go 5 miles before he got tired of riding and really wanted a break. I spent the next 20 minutes throwing a ball around with him and cooling off.

The weather started turning nasty at this point, so I was able to convince him that it was time to get going. The three of us went back to our entrance to the park. My legs felt ok still, so I sent them home while I completed my final 5 miles. I was even picking up my pace a bit. While running off the last of the miles, my friend Larry happened to ride by. He had just finished a 50 miler and decided to keep me company while I finished my run. This was the high point of the workout. I was able to keep a good pace and we talked about doing the JFK 50 miler together. He described all of the different parts of the course and what I can look forward to. The weather even cooperated as it miraculously cleared up.

I ran a total distance of 20.3 miles with a running time of 2:44:30. I am pleased with that time, especially considering it included several water breaks and walks up the hill when my son started lagging. Now I just have to see how I’ll do at tomorrow’s Norwegian Festival Grete’s Great Gallop


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