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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Drips and Drabs

As a man, you know you are getting older when you go to take a piss and your dick won’t stop dripping urine after you finished peeing. Where it used to take you one shake to clear it, it now may take several squeezes to get out the last drops. It is really annoying when you don’t and you can feel it drip down your leg. Ah, the pleasures of getting older.

Perhaps it is for this reason that my lower legs seemed to have suddenly broken down. I am just getting old and decrepit. I just spoke to my friend David last night and we were talking about how ridiculous it is now that we are safely ensconced in our 40’s. We are amazed at how huge blocks of time have passed since we last hung out or even spoke. Time just passes in drips and drabs, but soon enough an entire bucket is filled. It was just yesterday how we would go out and drink all night. That was over 12 years ago. At least I am in relatively good shape. I just hope I can get back to training before I start completely falling apart. I feel like an old person who broke a hip and six months later they are dead.


Blogger Janice said...

Okay, I know it's rough when you're out with an injury (I've been out for SEVERAL stress fractures), but you need to do something. Get on the bike, hit the pool, find a gym with an eliptical trainer. Cheer up! You will get going again. And as someone who's looking down the barrel of 43 -- age is in your mind. I'll be going strong for a long time.

9:36 AM  

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