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Friday, May 12, 2006

Swim, Bike, Run

I was offered tickets to the Yankee/Red Sox game last night, but I turned them down. The reason being was that I preferred to see my children that night after being out of town for the last 4 nights on business. Now some people might say I am a fool for turning down such lofty tickets, since a chance to see Yankees/Red Sox live doesn’t happen that often and I get to see my kids most nights. But when my son stopped me from leaving his room last night after I tucked him in because he had something for me, I knew I made the right decision. That something was a kiss, followed be another something in the form of a hug. If that isn’t worth all of the Yankee/Red Sox games in the world, I don’t know what is.

My decision to stay home allowed me to get up relatively early do get in some workouts. I was hoping to go to Harriman State Park for a pounding 100 miler, but Todd, my partner for the day was afraid of a little rain. In truth, the weather called for tremendous downpours and he felt it would be a bad idea to venture up. I was willing to chance it, but I didn’t feel like riding alone.

Instead we went for a swim at the Dodge YMCA in Cobble Hill Brooklyn. It was my first time to the pool. It was a decent facility with nice warm water; which suited me just fine. The pool had windows along one side of it which afforded a view of the buildings across the street and the sky above it. At first it appeared cloudy to me and I was happy that I ended up swimming. However as time went on it looked like the sky was clearing. At moments though I thought it was clouding up again I would get relieved and happy. When I realized that it wasn’t getting cloudy and was in fact turning into a perfect spring day, I started to feel very aggravated.

There was nothing I could do about the lousy weather report spoiling a chance for a ride in Harriman. Todd and I had a quick snack back at his place after the swim and we decided to go for a bike ride while it still looked clear. I met him in Prospect Park about an hour later and rode with him for about 75 minutes.

I was a lot stronger on my bike than I thought I would be and even got stronger towards the end. I was popping off 10:20 loops or better with relative ease. I went 36 miles and could have gone much longer. I decided not to push it however, since I am going to ride tomorrow as well. I also wanted to get in a short run, hopefully with one or both of my children.

My daughter wasn’t feeling so well, so it was just my son. We did the full loop of the park. This was the first time he rode the complete loop with me and he kept a very snappy pace. We only stopped twice and that was for water breaks. Maybe next time I will be able to go out with both my children.


Blogger Cris said...

You wouldn't have gotten to run with your son if you'd done the 100-miler, right? Seems like you got the better side of the trade-off today.

12:15 AM  

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