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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Las Vegas Day Two

I am in day two of my stay in Las Vegas. I am starting to feel nervous and jerky. I don't see how else I can feel after being cooped up in some of the worst conferences I have ever attended.

The sky is a brilliant blue and the sun is shining and warm, but I am here freezing under incandescent light in an over air conditioned room. It is like an old form of imprisonment, where the prisoner was thrown in a dank hole in the ground while the smells of fresh cooked food wafted through the bars overhead (I saw an example of this in Scotland.)

A short while ago, during a break, I called home to see what's going on. I spoke to my son who told me that he doesn't miss me so much since he just makes believe that in the morning I left for Asphalt Green to swim and that I am working late at night. This way to him I am still at home, just leaving and coming home while he is asleep. I wish I could make believe I am home, but this reality is just too draining.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I skipped out on the last hour of conferences. I headed back to the wave pool at Mandalay Bay for a swim. Beforehand though, I had someone snap a picture of me in one of the artificially made breakers. I then swam for an hour, before the pool was closed and everyone was kicked out. I would have liked to lounge in the breaking water for a while after my swim, but it was not to be. My kids would have loved this place.

After gathering my things, I headed back to the Four Seasons section of the hotel. I sat at the poolside where there is staff attend to your every need. I decided to cash in on this little travel perk, had them set me up a chair and ordered the Fire and Ice Tuna Rolls. It was quite yummy and relaxing to eat in peace. I am going to dinner in a short while with some co-workers and then it’s possibly off to the Stratosphere Hotel to ride the roller coaster.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Charles, nice entries, sad but rigorously and precisely written. Close-to-the-nose and full of detail. I love the ones like these. Hang in there.

See you soon.


6:09 AM  

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