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Monday, May 08, 2006

Las Vegas

I am here in Las Vegas for yet another business conference. So far it has been a complete waste of time. When this is the case, I know that one day I am going to look back on my life and say "I could have really used those hours right now."

I really shouldn’t be complaining though. I am staying at the Four Seasons Hotel and the room and grounds are spectacular. However, without my family I feel incomplete. I am not able to enjoy the opulence and decadence without being able to share it with my wife and kids. There is a fantastic wave pool on the premises and all I could think about was playing in it with my children. I did swim in it this morning. It made for a very interesting workout.

The pool is about 30 meters wide towards the back where the waves are generated. I swam from wall to wall, following a tile line. When I would reach the left side of the pool, the current tended to push me towards shore, necessitating me swimming against the current in order to reach the same spot on that side. When the current was really pushing, it was like swimming in a gigantic endless pool. I was able to use the current to make one continuous 60 meter lap. The waves and current made it challenging and eliminated boredom.

My room has a view of the Luxor hotel. Here is a picture of me with my head superimposed on it. The photo reminds me of The Great Seal on the back of a one dollar bill. Fortunately, the Four Season does not have a casino so my temptation to gamble is somewhat mitigated. I will try to refrain from getting sucked into a casino floor by my gambling co-workers.

Maybe I will go to New York New York or the Eifel Tower. I have yet to go see them, but then again it’s not something I really feel like doing on my own.


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