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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Less of a Crime? – May Observations.

Several months back I heard of a new law being passed in NYC that made assaulting a Transit worker be a greater offense than it had been previously. Evidently, the punishment had been escalated to the level of assaulting a police officer.

Today while riding the subway, I saw a sign that stated “Assaulting MTA New York City Transit Subway Personnel is a felony punishable by up to 7 years in Prison”.

Now to me, this whole thing begs several questions. Is it less punishable to assault bus drivers? Does this mean that if I get assaulted, the person would get punished for less than 7 years and if so why? Aren’t we all human beings? Why is assaulting me, less of a crime than assaulting a subway conductor who probably deserved it for closing the door on a poor old lady just as she was about to board the train? How about those subway conductors who announce the train will be making express stops AFTER the doors are already closed thereby forcing hundreds of people to ride past their stops?

This is America where all men are created equal. Sounds a lot like “Some animals are more equal than other animals”.


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