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Friday, August 04, 2006

Secured the Option

I bought the option to race in IMLP 2007 today. This means that I am officially registered, but not necessarily doing the event. I will see how it goes over the course of the coming year. If I feel mentally and physically up to the challenge I will do it, if not, I’ll go do something else. Ultimately I wanted the option to do the race and didn’t want to be disappointed by being shut out. It will just be a bummer dumping such a chunk of change on something I am not going to do. I could have spent that money on sex, drugs or rock and roll or maybe even towards my children’s college education fund.

I did make a list of the pros and cons of signing up for the race. My personal favorite pro was the Magic 8 Ball said yes. I shared both sides of my list with my coach. He said they were vague and ill defined which in truth is correct. I couldn’t think of a good reason either way to do the race. Maybe it is just too early to decide whether or not I should do it. But at least I now know I have the option to do it and the money I just parted with will not send me to the poor house. I can be very grateful for that.

Today’s training notes: Swam 1980 yards. Was supposed to swim 1500, but felt good so went longer. Did yesterday’s workout and cycled 18.3 miles. Felt good again, but wanted to get it over with. I am not quite back yet, but getting there.


Blogger Cris said...

big con: You just aren't bringing the enthusiasm to the game that you did in your entries from a couple years ago, or that other people talk about IM with. personally, I think you need something NEW (to you). Maybe an ultra? Maybe something involving canoeing/kayaking as well as running/swimming/biking?

11:26 AM  

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