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Friday, June 02, 2006

Frustration Levels are High

Friday June 2, 2006 -10:30am

I was hoping to do a HSP ride today, but Todd and I called it off based on today’s predicted stormy weather forecast. I decided I may as well go into work and try to get in an afternoon swim. However, once again the day appears to be just about perfect for a ride. Every time I see the sun shining I can feel an intense frustration building inside me. It better rain by noon like the meteorologists said it would.

Now that today has been cancelled for a ride, I know that tomorrow morning I will be waking up at 3am to try to get in a 100 miler before 9:30am. I’ve done something like this once before and I can honestly say I am not looking forward to doing it again.


I realized later on that my son’s soccer game is at 9am, which means I’ll have to finish by 8:30am. Counting backwards, that means I’ll have to start riding soon after 3am. For some reason, I don’t think this is going to happen. My wife promised to take our kids out for the day after soccer, so hopefully this will come to fruition. I’ll mentally justify it to myself by pointing out that I usually take them out come the weekend and perhaps I deserve some time off. I just hate not being with them. As long as they are not watching TV all day, I think mentally I’ll be ok.

I did manage to get in an afternoon swim at Asphalt Green. It was the best I’ve felt so far this year. I was swam 1 x 500 and 4 x 1000 on 20 seconds rest. The 1000’s peeled off so easily that I questioned whether I was actually going 1000 yards. My watch told me I was, but it just seemed so easy. Maybe that is what happens when you aren’t rubbing the sleep out of your eyes before swimming.

After the swim I set out for a run around Central Park. I was very hungry by this time and I was thinking that I would probably bonk at some point during it. The sky was also looking very ominous, so I decided to head back to AG. In was the correct decision. When I reemerged from the place 15 minutes later, the sky had opened up with a deluge of water. It wouldn’t have been practical or reasonable to run in such conditions. Truthfully, I was just too hungry and didn’t feel like dealing with it in such a state.

While riding on the M86 bus back to the subway, the rain was coming down with an incredible ferocity. It was blowing sideways down the avenues and the streets resembled more like rivers than thoroughfares for automobiles. It wasn’t raining so hard though that it stopped me from purchasing a new set of Shimano TR02 Tri Shoes. Unfortunately, the person in the shop who sold them to me new about as much about the placement of cleats on the shoes as I do about rocket science.


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