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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Up At Night

I am training regularly again. This for some reason means I cannot sleep at night. I guess because I am not taking a sleeping pill that keeps me out for the night. I want to be able to wake up to get out the door. It has been successful, but on the occasional nights like these I do nothing but sit in my kitchen reading blogs or playing online poker.

I just discovered that one of my favorite reads, “Fast @ Forty” is no longer online. I hope nothing is wrong with Janice. If you are reading this please let me know you are ok.

My nose is stuffy from the swim I took this evening. What a lousy swim it was. The pool only had two lanes open and both were filled with gimpy swimmers with absolutely no lane etiquette. It made for a difficult and unsatisfying workout. But at lease I have been swimming lately. I no longer think I will drown at Alcatraz.

I ran into an athlete I know named Blake today. He told me he is doing the Badwater 135 this summer. I wish I could do that. I really think that after this year’s IMLP I am going to concentrate on ultrarunning. I think I will look to do the Vermont 100 miler next summer. Maybe then Western States. It is good to have goals. I can always come back to Ironman, especially when there is less competition in my AG.


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