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Friday, February 03, 2006

Peace and Quiet

I gave up my workout this morning, although my coach told me to get something in tonight. We will have to see. I didn’t get home from work until 7pm and I was ravenously hungry. No way could I run without first eating.

The workout was missed because I got to bed late last night. My wife and I had to take my father home from the hospital where he just had a fribulator/pacemaker installed. When we got back home, it was just before 10pm. I felt that my wife wanted me to watch a TV show with her so I obliged, especially considering she has been very supportive over the past couple of weeks while I've been struggling through some inner demons. We watched Project Runway on Bravo. It was interesting, but not worth missing a needed hour of sleep; the hour I needed to get in the workout this morning.

When we got to the hospital to collect my father he was in a bit of pain at the incision area and also developed a case of gout in his ankle. He was a bit crotchety from all of the procedures and just wanted to go home. He says he regrets it having it done, but that could be because they told him he must cut out his daily consumption of scotch. I told him to just take vicodin instead of alcohol. He likes his drink to relax.

He wasn’t keen on Vicodin, so I then suggested pot and asked him if he ever smoked it. He said the last time he did was the day before my 7th birthday. He was with some friends away from home and he called my mother to tell her that he may not be able to make it home for my birthday party, so she would have to take handle all of the arrangements. Her reply was that if he didn't make it home, I wasn't having a party. That might have been the last time he smoked pot, but I also seem to recall my 7th birthday saw my last birthday party. It was just as well, as my parents hated each other. No wonder why I like to get out the door to train by myself for hours. It is how I learned to get some peace and quiet.


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